Employers Need to Plan NOW So They Can Help Their Employees

Though COVID-19 is all-consuming right now, one day, it will end. Whether business returns to “normal” or a, “new-normal” the fact is that there will be another adjustment period that employers will need to be ready for.


Mentally and physically, COVID-19 has taken its toll, and it is not going to be a smooth transition without the right measures in place. One of the ways that employers can prepare is to implement health and wellness training for their employees. Here are two options you might want to consider.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is a form of psychotherapy where you learn to change your perceptions and how you see things in your life. Created in the 1960s, CBT has shown to be helpful for people of all types of backgrounds, no matter their age, income, or education.


Some therapies focus on the past, whereas CBT focuses on the present and how you can understand your current feelings and beliefs. It emphasizes the need to identify, challenge, and change how you view a situation.


Research has shown that CBT can reduce the symptoms of mental and physical health conditions that some other treatments are unable to relieve. One of the reasons it works so well is that it’s very focused and goal-oriented.


For more information on CBT and it’s many benefits, you can view our fact sheet here. We offer one on one CBT therapy as well as group therapy for your organization.


Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention

It’s essential to take care of your physical health to prevent disease. Early detection is one of the most important aspects of chronic disease management. Sadly, 44% of Canadians have at least one chronic illness.


Chronic illness can be a delicate topic in the workplace. That is why we wrote a whole post on it. Merely making your employees aware of this information might be the difference between them becoming ill down the road, leading to the loss of an employee or even a loss of life.


Our corporate training programs offer screening, education, and early detection. From virtual lunch and learns to individual health coaching, we have the right training option to suit your business needs.



Want to book health and wellness training for your staff? Get in touch with us for a FREE 30-minute consult today!

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